Diabetic foot ulcers

What causes diabetic foot ulcers? Diabetes does not only cause blood sugar imbalance. It also causes two phenomena which increase the risk of occurrence of a diabetic foot ulcer: Involvement of the distal nerves of the legs, especially with loss of sensitivity. As a result, the patients only rarely feel they have an ulcer (neuropathic …

Healing, the main principles

Acute wounds and chronic wounds have different healing times. Acute wounds (burns, cuts, scratches etc.) heal faster (in around 2 to 4 weeks) than chronic wounds, which take an average healing of 210 days1, i.e. almost 7 months. However, chronic wounds are often related to an underlying disease such as diabetes, or venous or arterial …

What is a wound?

There are two categories of wounds: Acute wounds They can be described as wounds that appear suddenly; among which are especially burns, and post-operative wounds related to surgery. Or traumatic wounds secondary to an accident; which can look like cuts, lacerations but also bites/scratches, or can result from extreme weather conditions, as in the case of …