Diabetic Foot Ulcer

To fulfill its mission as The Healing Company, Urgo Medical has made diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) a key priority to support clinicians and patients to prevent, diagnose, refer, and manage patients presenting diabetic foot ulcerations, with the aim to avoid complications such as infection, amputation or even death. Among the 537 million patients estimated to …

Save Feet Save Lives

Over the past few years, by partnering with healthcare professionals, Urgo Medical has gained a deeper understanding of the challenges in diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) care. Among them, a tremendous lack of awareness and education among patients and non-specialist healthcare professionals, leading to: A lack of prevention Delayed identification of patients at risk of developing …

How does the skin function?

The skin is made up of several layers placed one on top of the other: The epidermis: the outermost layer of the skin, the epidermis is covered by the stratum corneum, similar to a pile of flat, resistant cells. It serves as a protective envelope, sheltering the body from microbes. It is studded with pores …

Epidermolysis bullosa

What is epidermolysis bullosa? In patients with epidermolysis bullosa, more or less large blisters containing a clear, transparent fluid appear on the skin. They can mainly be found on the feet, hands, and sometimes on the mucous membranes (mouth, genital areas). When they burst, the blisters leave the skin raw, which is then difficult to …

Pressure ulcers

What is a pressure ulcer? A pressure ulcer is a chronic wound which appears when sitting or lying for a prolonged period which creates pressure in the weight-bearing areas. This pressure compresses the tissue between two hard surfaces prevents the blood from flowing normally leading to reduced oxygen supply, which causes damage to the tissue …


This type of accident is most often domestic, occurring in the kitchen or in the garden especially. In almost half of cases, burns are caused by contact with a hot liquid, fire or hot object. However, explosions, chemical burns and exposure to light or radiation are a lot less common. The arm is the part of …

Leg ulcers

What is a leg ulcer ? Located on the lower third of the leg (under the knee), leg ulcers are chronic wounds that have not healed after 6 weeks. The wounds may be caused by a knock, by scratching, or even appear on their own. Leg ulcers take different forms. Venous leg ulcers (70% of …