Urgo Medical is proud to have participated in the first International Congress on EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa) in Cairo from April 25 to 28, the first ever in the Middle East and North Africa region.
An international Congress dedicated to EB
What is Epidermolysis Bullosa?
Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare, genetic skin disease, which affects around 500,000 people worldwide. Young patients are often called “butterfly children” because their skin seems as fragile as the wings of a butterfly. As there is no curative treatment currently, this painful and debilitating pathology requires specific daily treatment.
What is Debra International?
Debra is an association founded in the United Kingdom in 1978 by a group of parents whose children had EB. From these humble origins, DEBRA has grown significantly and is now international in scope. Today, nearly 50 national DEBRA groups around the world work towards improving the lives of those living with EB in their respective countries.
What happened at this Congress?
Organized by Debra International, the Congress welcomed in Cairo over 300 participants from 40 countries, including EB patients and their families, healthcare professionals, researchers, students and Egyptian officials.
Urgo Medical commitment to EB
It was an opportunity for Urgo Medical to reiterate its commitment to Debra International, as well as the actions carried out within the framework of the Urgo Foundation. Over 400 participants attended Urgo’s presentations.
Our teams presented four high-quality scientific posters, highlighting the benefits of our dressings in the care of this pathology. One of the posters was voted best poster of the Congress!
A great success for our teams! EB activities will continue throughout the year – more information to come!

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